Summer Skincare is Serious Business

Jen Auerbach

Jen Auerbach Applying All Purpose Balm at Mirror

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Think of it as your body's premier front-line security system, protecting you from temperature changes, sunlight radiation, and many chemicals in today's world. Summertime months add their own unique challenges to your skin, especially when spending hours outside planting that new lemon tree, relaxing poolside, or even driving in the car to your girls-only beach weekend. The temperatures are warmer, the sun more direct, and all we want to do is be outside! However, it's crucial to take extra care of your skin during the summer so it can continue being the best first line of defense for your body. Here are some fool-proof tips on how to do just that:


Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

We all sweat. It is part of your skin's process to regulate temperature changes, both internal and external. After a long day in the sun, you might have the urge to jump in the shower and scrub yourself clean. However, make sure to nourish your skin afterward with natural oils and moisturizers to keep it hydrated and healthy. We recommend  Clary Body Oil as your after-shower/after-pool oil of choice. 


Sunlight: everything in moderation. 

We love the sun and being in it. However, UV radiation is not your skin's friend. It is a leading cause of skin cancer at its worst and a painful sunburn at its best. Take extra precautions during midday hours to shield your skin from harmful rays by wearing hats and sunscreen with an SPF over 15 and regularly hitting the shade after basking in the sun's glow. We LOVE Erbaviva's SPF 30 natural, organic sunscreen.

Drink plenty of H2O. 

Did you know that your body is 65% water? Without it, we would be nil. We especially need water during the hot summer months due to all the sweating, sun exposure, and fluid loss our bodies experience. Water aids in keeping skin supple and limber. You should drink 8-10 eight-ounce glasses of water daily to replenish your water body. 


Don't forget the lips! 

Your lips can experience dehydration, dryness, and neglect during the summer festivities too. Keep our Clary Olive Balm on hand at all times to keep your lips protected with our natural, soothing salve. Reapply every 2 hours, or as often as your lips need.


Repair + Renew Sun-Damaged Skin 

Maybe you spent a little too much time in the sun or forgot to reapply your sunscreen. Sun damage can cause wrinkles, rosacea, and Actinic keratosis (rough patches of skin). While your skin is elastic, it is necessary to nurture sun-damaged skin back to health. Our Clary Repair + Renew Oil is perfect for restoring stressed, damaged skin through the healing attributes of Vitamin C and Vitamin E and the calming properties of Lavender.



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